K. Ugumori

Chief Instructor, Myobukai

Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, Kyoshi Menkyo

He has over 30 years of martial arts experience and also teaches Matsubayashi Ryu.  In addition, he holds a Yodan in Uechi Ryu. Members who are interested in learning Matsubayashi Ryu should contact him.    

鵜久森 K.

天真正伝香取神道流 教師免許

30年以上の武道経験有り。空手では松林流を指導し、上地流は四段を所持。 松林流に興味がある会員は鵜久森にご相談下さい。

M. Shaw

Instructor, Myobukai

Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu, Kyoshi Menkyo

He began his study in Western and Eastern boxing systems during the mid-late 1990’s; he currently studies the Chen family taijiquan system under Shifu Rick Smith.

In 2018, he received his Shodan, in Aikido, at the Tetsutaka Suguwara Martial Art Institute Machida Japan.

In 2010 he joined Katori Shinto Ryu at Capital Katori and received his menkyo in 2022. He currently practices Katori Shinto Ryu in the Suguwara Sogo Budo organization and teaches in the Maryland and Northern Virginia area.

M. ショウ

天真正伝香取神道流 教師免許

1990年代に西洋と東洋のボクシング研究を始め、現在はリック スミス氏のもと中国北部武道、陳式太極拳を研究している。

